Lab 4 局部线性估计及效率分析(工资案例)

4.1 实验说明

4.1.1 实验内容

实验目标:非参数局部线性回归估计及其效率分析,复现工资案例(包括Figure 19.5Figure 19.6的全部过程及结果(参看:HANSEN B. Econometrics[M].2021(作者手稿). 第19章 Nonparametric Regression. )


  • 局部线性回归方法(LLR)下,估计CEF\(\widehat{m}(x)\)的最优谱宽\(h\)选择(经验法和交叉验证法)

  • 局部线性回归方法(LLR)下,估计方差最优谱宽的选择

  • 局部线性回归方法(LLR)的估计偏误、估计方差和标准差

  • 局部线性回归估计(LLR)的显著性检验(置信区间)

4.1.2 材料准备

  • 软件环境:编译器为Rstudio(要求R 4.1及以上版本)

  • R代码文件:工作项目(R project)根目录下Rscript/文件夹内

# don't run here ! 
# only show you the code file path!
source(here("Rscript/hensen21-fig19-5.R"), encoding = "UTF-8")
source(here("Rscript/hensen21-fig19-5.R"), encoding = "UTF-8")

4.2 案例描述

4.2.1 工资案例:背景说明

  • 案例基于CPS数据集,重点分析其中的子样本数据(黑人、男性、拥有12年受教育程度——高中毕业),样本数为n=100。

  • 关注的问题:时均工资的对数(Y =log(wage))对职业经历X=experience)的非参数回归估计。

  • 后面的分析中,我们会重点划定观测窗口为:职业经历(年数)范围为 \([0,40]\)。因为样本中90%以上的观测对象都落在这个范围之内。

4.2.2 读取案例数据

##  This file generates Figures 19.5 and 19.6
##  Wage/Experience

#### attention 1/2 ####
## this is the part 1/2 R script of the whole analysis
## so you will run `hensen21-fig19-6.R` forthcoming 

# Uses data file cps09mar.dta

dt_file <- here::here("data/cps09mar.dta")
dat <- haven::read_dta(dt_file)

# data set 1
# sub-sample of black men with 12 years of education
bf <- (dat[,11]==2)&(dat[,2]==1)&(dat[,4]==12)
dat1 <- dat[bf,]
## earning per hours
y <- as.matrix(log(dat1[,5]/(dat1[,6]*dat1[,7])))
x <- as.matrix(dat1[,1]-dat1[,4]-6)
n <- length(y)

dt_cps1 <-  tibble(X=x, Y=y)

4.2.3 数据呈现

dt_cps1 %>%
  add_column(obs = 1:nrow(.), .before = "X") %>%
    caption = paste0("CPS数据集(n=",n,")"),
    options = list(dom = "tip", pageLength =8))%>%
  formatRound(c(3), digits = 4)
  • 样本数据的描述性统计如下:
    X.age       Y.earnings  
 Min.   :-2   Min.   :-3.1  
 1st Qu.:15   1st Qu.: 2.2  
 Median :25   Median : 2.5  
 Mean   :25   Mean   : 2.5  
 3rd Qu.:34   3rd Qu.: 2.8  
 Max.   :62   Max.   : 4.0  

4.2.4 数据散点图

#### basic plot ####
fsize <- 16
p0 <- ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(X, Y),data = dt_cps1, pch=21) +
  labs(x= "X职业年数", y ="log(Y)时均工资的对数") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,70,10), limits = c(0,65)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0,4,1), limits = c(0,4)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = fsize))
# show the scatter
样本数据散点图n=`r n`

图 4.1: 样本数据散点图n=r n

4.3 过程1:CEF估计的经验参考谱宽选择

4.3.1 R运算代码


# Reference Rule 

sx1 <- 0     # window range
sx2 <- 40
x1 <- matrix(1,n,1)
zz <- cbind(x1,x,x^2,x^3,x^4)
beta <- solve((t(zz)%*%zz),(t(zz)%*%y))
xtrim <- (x<=sx2)*(x>=sx1)
b <- mean(((beta[3]+x*3*beta[4]+(x^2)*6*beta[5])^2)*xtrim)
e <- y - zz%*%beta
sig <- (sum(e^2))/(n-5)
hrot <- 0.58*(((sx2-sx1)*sig/n/b)^.2)

4.3.2 过程步骤解读

下面我们按前述步骤来计算参考谱宽值 \(h_{rot}\)

  • 步骤1:根据案例数据集,设定权重取值范围 \(\left\{\xi_{1} \leq x \leq \xi_{2}\right\}=\{0,40\}\)

  • 步骤2:构建多项式回归

varx <- c("X","X^2","X^3","X^4")
lx_out <- xmerit::lx.psm(x = varx, n.row = 5)

\[\begin{align} \begin{split} Y_i=&+\beta_{1}+\beta_{2}X_i+\beta_{3}X^2_i+\beta_{4}X^3_i+\beta_{5}X^4_i+u_i \end{split} \end{align}\]


mod_poly <- formula("Y~X +I(X^2) +I(X^3) +I(X^4)" )
lx_est <- xmerit::lx.est(lm.mod = mod_poly, 
                         lm.dt = dt_cps1, lm.n = 5,
                         opt = c("s"),
                         digits = c(6,4,2,4))

\[\begin{equation} \begin{alignedat}{999} &\widehat{Y}=&&+2.094395&&+0.030951X_i&&-0.000103X^2_i&&-0.000021X^3_i&&+0.000000X^4_i\\ &(s)&&(0.1371)&&(0.0284)&&(0.0019)&&(0.0000)&&(0.0000) \end{alignedat} \end{equation}\]

进而得到拟合值 \(\widehat{m}(x)\)及其二阶导 \(\widehat{m}^{\prime \prime}(x)\)及残差 \(\hat{\epsilon}\)

\[\begin{align} \widehat{m}(x) &=2.094395+0.030951x_i-0.000103x^2_i-0.000021x^3_i+0.000000x^4_i \\ \widehat{m}^{\prime \prime}(x) &=-2\times0.000103-6\times0.000021x_i+12\times0.000000x^2_i \\ \end{align}\]

  • 步骤3:利用上述估计结果计算

\[\begin{align} \widehat{B}=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(\frac{1}{2} \hat{m}^{\prime \prime}\left(X_{i}\right)\right)^{2} \mathbb{1}\left\{\xi_{1} \leq X_{i} \leq \xi_{2}\right\} = 0.00000025 \end{align}\]

  • 步骤4:多项式模型的回归误差方差

\[\hat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{\sum{\hat{\epsilon}^2}}{n-q-1}=0.2592\]

  • 步骤5:根据上述全部结果计算得到经验谱宽:

\[\begin{align} h_{\text {rot }}&=0.58\left(\frac{\widehat{\sigma}^{2}\left(\xi_{2}-\xi_{1}\right)}{n \widehat{B}}\right)^{1 / 5} = 0.58 \times \left(\frac{0.2592\times \left(40-0\right)}{762 \times 0.000000248}\right)^{1 / 5} = 5.1442 \end{align}\]

4.4 过程2:CEF估计的最优交叉验证谱宽选择

4.4.1 R运算代码


#### CV Bandwidth Selection ####
g <- 200
h1 <- hrot/3
h2 <- 3*hrot
hh <- seq(h1,h2,(h2-h1)/g)
hn <- length(hh)

LL <- matrix(0,n,hn)
for (i in 1:hn){
  hi <- hh[i]
  for (j in 1:n){
    xj <- x-x[j]
    k <- dnorm(xj/hi)
    k[j] <- 0
    z <- cbind(x1,xj)
    zk <- z*(k%*%cbind(1,1))
    beta <- solve(t(zk)%*%z,t(zk)%*%y)
    LL[j,i] <- (y[j]-beta[1])^2

LL2 <- LL*(xtrim%*%matrix(1,1,hn))
cvLL <- colMeans(LL2)
i <- which.min(cvLL)
hLL <- hh[i]
hLL_tex <-paste0("$h_{CV}=$",number(hLL,0.0001),"")
LLmin <- min(cvLL)

# combine result as data.frame
tb_cvc <- tibble(
  h_tune = hh, 
  cv_LL = cvLL)

4.4.2 过程步骤解读


  • 步骤1:设定经验谱宽 \(h_{rot}=5.1442\)作为初始值。。

  • 步骤2:设定调参谱宽(tuning bandwidth)。 >

  • 一个经验谱宽范围可供参考: \([h_{rot}/3, 3h_{rot}]=[1.7147, 15.4326]\)

  • 给定范围内的搜寻总数为 \(n=201\)。则待评估序贯值为 \(h\in (1.7147, 1.7833, 1.8519, 1.9205, 1.9891, \cdots,15.2268, 15.2954, 15.3640, 15.4326)\)


tb_cvc %>%
  add_column(id = 1:nrow(.), .before = "h_tune") %>%
  DT::datatable(caption = "LL方法下的CV计算表",
                options = list(dom ="tip", pageLength =8)) %>%
  formatRound(c(2:3), digits = 4)

4.4.3 图形展示选择结果

#### plot 19.5-a Cross-Validation Criterion ####

lwd <- 0.8
lwadd <- 0.2

p_cvc <- ggplot(aes(x = h_tune),data = tb_cvc) +
  geom_line(aes(y = cv_LL),
            lty = "dashed", color = "blue",
            lwd = lwd) +
  labs(x= "谱宽h", y ="交叉验证准则函数值CV(h)") +
  scale_x_continuous(#expand = expansion(add = c(0, .06)),
    breaks = seq(1,12,1), 
    limits = c(1,12)) +
    expand = expansion(add = c(0,0)),
    breaks = seq(0.2290,0.2310,0.0005), 
    limits = c(0.2290,0.2310),
    labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.0001)
                     ) +
  geom_segment(aes(x=hLL, xend = hLL,
                   y= LLmin, yend = c(0.2290)),
               arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1,"cm"),
                             type = "closed"),
               lty = "dashed", color= "gray", lwd=lwd) +
  geom_text(aes(x = hLL+0.5, y=LLmin-0.0004), 
            label =latex2exp::TeX(hLL_tex),
            color= "blue", size=4)  +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = fsize))



4.5 过程3:基于不同谱宽选择的CEF估计

4.5.1 R运算代码


#### CEF LL Regression Estimation ####
g <- 201
xg <- seq(sx1,sx2,(sx2-sx1)/(g-1))
m1 <- matrix(0,g,1)
m2 <- matrix(0,g,1)
for (j in 1:g){
  xj <- x-xg[j]
  z <- cbind(x1,xj)
  z1 <- z*(dnorm(xj/hrot)%*%cbind(1,1))  # use rot bandwidth
  z2 <- z*(dnorm(xj/hLL)%*%cbind(1,1))   # use CV  bandwidth
  beta1 <- solve(t(z1)%*%z,t(z1)%*%y)
  beta2 <- solve(t(z2)%*%z,t(z2)%*%y)
  m1[j,1] <- beta1[1]
  m2[j,1] <- beta2[1]

# combine result as data.frame
tb_mxh <- tibble(xg = xg,

4.5.2 过程步骤解读


tb_mxh %>%
  add_column(index = 1:nrow(.), .before = "xg") %>%
  rename("mx_rot"='mx1', "mx_cv"='mx2') %>%
  DT::datatable(caption = "使用不同谱宽下LL方法对m(x)的估计结果",
                options = list(dom ="tip", pageLength =8)) %>%
  formatRound(c(2,3:4), digits = c(2,4,4))

4.5.3 图形展示估计结果


#### plot 19.5-b Local Linear Regression ####

# basic plot
p00 <- ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(X, Y),data = dt_cps1, pch=21,alpha =0.1) +
  labs(x= "X职业年数", y ="log(Y)时均工资的对数") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,40,5), limits = c(0,40)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(2,2.7,0.1), limits = c(2,2.7)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = fsize))

# plot mx with h_rot
p_mxh1 <- p00 +
  geom_line(aes(x = xg, y = m1, 
                color="m1", lty="m1"),
            lwd = lwd+lwadd,
            data = tb_mxh) +
  theme_bw() +
    breaks = c("m1"),
    labels = c(expression(m(x):h[ROT])),
    breaks = c("m1"),
    labels = c(expression(m(x):h[ROT])),
  theme(legend.position = "right",
        text = element_text(size = fsize))


# plot mx with h_CV
p_mxh2 <- p00 +
 geom_line(aes(x = xg, y = m2, 
                color="m2", lty="m2"),
            lwd = lwd+lwadd,
            data = tb_mxh) +
    breaks = c("m2"),
    labels = c(expression(m(x):h[CV])),
    breaks = c("m2"),
    labels = c(expression(m(x):h[CV])),
  theme(legend.position = "right",
        text = element_text(size = fsize))


# plot mx with both h selections
p_mxh <- p00 +
  geom_line(aes(x = xg, y = m1, 
                color="m1", lty="m1"),
            lwd = lwd+lwadd,
            data = tb_mxh) +
  geom_line(aes(x = xg, y = m2, 
                color="m2", lty="m2"), 
            lwd = lwd+lwadd,
            data = tb_mxh) +
    breaks = c("m1", "m2"),
    labels = c(expression(m(x):h[ROT]),expression(m(x):h[CV])),
    values=c("green", "blue"))+
    breaks = c("m1", "m2"),
    labels = c(expression(m(x):h[ROT]),expression(m(x):h[CV])),
    values=c("dotted", "dashed"))+
  theme(legend.position = "right",
        text = element_text(size = fsize))

4.6 过程4:计算非参数估计的预测误差


# don't run here ! 
# only show you the code file path!
source(here("Rscript/hensen21-fig19-5.R"), encoding = "UTF-8")
source(here("Rscript/hensen21-fig19-6.R"), encoding = "UTF-8")

4.6.1 R运算代码

##  This file generates Figures 19.5 and 19.6
##  Wage/Experience

#### attention 2/2 ####

## this is the part 2/2 R script
## so you should run `hensen21-fig19-5.R` firstly 

#### ROT Residual Estimation ####
h <- hrot
e2 <- matrix(0,n,1)
for (j in 1:n){
  xj <- x-x[j]
  k <- dnorm(xj/h)
  k[j] <- 0
  z <- cbind(x1,xj)
  zk <- z*(k%*%cbind(1,1))
  beta <- solve(t(zk)%*%z,t(zk)%*%y)
  e2[j,1] <- (y[j]-beta[1])^2   # get square residual here

4.6.2 过程步骤解读


我们首先可以计算得到LL估计下的预测残差的平方 \(\tilde{e}^2_i\)

  • 这一步可以直接采用前述的参考谱宽 \(h_{rot}=5.1442\)

  • 运行上述代码即可得到预测残差的平方\(e_i^2\)

4.7 过程5:计算条件方差估计时的参考谱宽

4.7.1 R运算代码

####  Variance ROT Bandwidth ####
beta <- solve((t(zz)%*%zz),(t(zz)%*%e2))
b <- mean(((beta[3]+x*3*beta[4]+(x^2)*6*beta[5])^2)*xtrim)
e <- e2 - zz%*%beta
sig <- (sum(e^2))/(n-5)
hrotv <- 0.58*(((sx2-sx1)*sig/n/b)^.2)

4.7.2 过程步骤解读


  • 后面我们还要计算方差估计下的最优谱宽。因此,这里我们需要再进行一次参考谱宽的计算流程。

  • 构建残差平方的多项式回归模型

\[\begin{align} \begin{split} \tilde{e}^2_i=&+\gamma_{0}+\gamma_{1}X_i+\gamma_{2}X^2_i+\gamma_{3}X^3_i+\gamma_{4}X^4_i+v_i \end{split} \end{align}\]

  • 利用ROT公式流程,再次获得参考谱宽

\[\begin{align} hv_{\text {rot }}&=0.58\left(\frac{\widehat{\sigma}^{2}\left(\xi_{2}-\xi_{1}\right)}{n \widehat{B}}\right)^{1 / 5} = 0.58 \times \left(\frac{1.2384\times \left(40-0\right)}{762 \times 0.000000300}\right)^{1 / 5} = 6.7708 \end{align}\]

4.8 过程6:计算条件方差估计时的最优交叉验证谱宽

4.8.1 R运算代码


#### Variance CV Bandwidth Selection ####
h1 <- 2
h2 <- 40
hh <- seq(h1,h2,(h2-h1)/g)
hn <- length(hh)
LLV <- matrix(0,n,hn)
NWV <- matrix(0,n,hn)
for (i in 1:hn){
  hi <- hh[i]
  for (j in 1:n){
    xj <- x-x[j]
    k <- dnorm(xj/hi)
    k[j] <- 0
    mu <- (t(k)%*%e2)/sum(k)
    NWV[j,i] <- (e2[j]-mu)^2
    z <- cbind(x1,xj)
    zk <- z*(k%*%cbind(1,1))
    beta <- solve(t(zk)%*%z,t(zk)%*%e2)
    LLV[j,i] <- (e2[j]-beta[1])^2
cvNWV <- colMeans(NWV*(xtrim%*%matrix(1,1,hn)))
cvLLV <- colMeans(LLV*(xtrim%*%matrix(1,1,hn)))
i1 <- which.min(cvNWV)
i2 <- which.min(cvLLV)
hNWV <- hh[i1]
hLLV <- hh[i2]
hNWV_tex <-paste0("$h_{NW}=$",number(hNWV,0.1),"")
hLLV_tex <-paste0("$h_{CV}=$",number(hLLV,0.1),"")

NWminV <- min(cvNWV)
LLminV <- min(cvLLV)

# combine all result
tbl_cvcv <- tibble(
  h_tune = hh, 
  cv_NW = cvNWV,
  cv_LL = cvLLV)

4.8.2 过程步骤解读


  • 步骤1:设定经验谱宽 \(hv_{rot}=6.7708\)作为初始值。。

  • 步骤2:设定调参谱宽(tuning bandwidth)。 >

  • 一个经验谱宽范围可供参考: \([2.0, 40.0]\)

  • 给定范围内的搜寻总数为 \(n=202\)。则待评估序贯值为 \(h\in (2.0000, 2.1891, 2.3781, 2.5672, 2.7562, \cdots,39.4328, 39.6219, 39.8109, 40.0000)\)

  • 步骤3:采用交叉验证留一法,分别遍历计算NW估计LL估计下的全部CV值(见后面计算表)

  • 步骤4:最小CV值对应的谱宽评估值,则为最优交叉验证谱宽。当然,我们最终发现NW估计LL估计下的结果是一样的,都选择了最大边界值 \(hv_{CV}(NW)=hv_{CV}(LL)=40\)。(见后面的CV比较图)


tbl_cvcv %>%
  add_column(id = 1:nrow(.), .before = "h_tune") %>%
  DT::datatable(caption = "NW和LL方法下的CV计算表",
                options = list(dom ="tip", pageLength =8)) %>%
  formatRound(c(2:4), digits = 4)

4.8.3 图形展示谱宽选择结果


#### plot 19.6-a Cross-Validation Criterion ####
## Cross-Validation for Conditional Variance

p_cvcv <- ggplot(aes(x = h_tune),data = tbl_cvcv) +
  geom_line(aes(y = cv_NW, lty = "CV_NW", color = "CV_NW"),
            lwd = lwd) +
  geom_line(aes(y = cv_LL, lty = "CV_LL", color = "CV_LL"),
            lwd = lwd) +
  labs(x= "谱宽h", y ="交叉验证准则函数值CV(h)") +
  scale_x_continuous(#expand = expansion(add = c(0, .06)),
    breaks = seq(0,40,5), 
    limits = c(0,40)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(add = c(0,0)),
                     breaks = seq(1.200, 1.216,0.004), 
                     limits = c(1.200, 1.216),
                     labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.001)
                     ) +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_segment(aes(x=hNWV, xend = hNWV,
                   y= NWminV, yend = 1.2),
               arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1,"cm"),
                             type = "closed"),
               lty = "dotted", color= "gray", lwd=lwd)  +
  geom_text(aes(x = hNWV-2, y=NWminV-0.002), 
            label =latex2exp::TeX(hNWV_tex),
            color= "orange", size=3) +
  geom_segment(aes(x=hLLV, xend = hLLV,
                   y= LLminV, yend = 1.2),
               arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1,"cm"),
                             type = "closed"),
               lty = "dashed", color= "gray", lwd=lwd) +
  geom_text(aes(x = hLLV-2, y=LLminV-0.002), 
            label =latex2exp::TeX(hLLV_tex),
            color= "blue", size=3)  +
    breaks = c("CV_NW", "CV_LL"),
    values=c("orange", "blue"))+
    breaks = c("CV_NW", "CV_LL"),
    values=c("dotted", "dashed"))+
  theme(legend.position = "right")

  • LL估计的CV值在局部上具有最小值,也即局部最优谱宽约为 \(hv_{cv}(LL)\simeq 5\)

  • 但是从全局来看,无论是NW估计,还是LL估计,CV函数值都表现为下降趋势。因此它们都选择了最大边界值 \(hv_{CV}(NW)=hv_{CV}(LL)=40\)

4.9 过程7:计算CEF估计的方差和标准差

4.9.1 R运算代码

#### Variance Estimation ####
se <- matrix(0,g,1)
u <- cbind(e2,e2)
for (j in 1:g){
  xj <- x-xg[j]
  z <- cbind(x1,xj)
  K <- dnorm(xj/hrot)
  z1 <- z*cbind(K,K)
  ZKZ <- solve(t(z1)%*%z)
  ZK2 <- t(z1)%*%(z1*u)
  V1 <- ZKZ%*%ZK2%*%ZKZ
  se[j,1] = sqrt(V1[1,1])

L1 <- m1-1.96*se
U1 <- m1+1.96*se

# combine all result as data.frame
tbl_band <- tibble(
  xg =xg,
  mx = m1,
  lwr = L1,
  upr = U1

4.9.2 过程步骤解读

(4)计算方差、标准差。利用前面的平方预测误差,并使用谱宽 \(h=5.1442\)进行LL估计,最终得到方差和标准差估计值(见后面附表)。

\[\begin{align} \widehat{\boldsymbol{V}}_{\widehat{\beta}}(x)=\left(\boldsymbol{Z}^{\prime} \boldsymbol{K} \boldsymbol{Z}\right)^{-1}\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} K\left(\frac{X_{i}-x}{h}\right)^{2} Z_{i}(x) Z_{i}(x)^{\prime} \widetilde{\boldsymbol{e}}_{i}^{2}\right)\left(\boldsymbol{Z}^{\prime} \boldsymbol{K} \boldsymbol{Z}\right)^{-1} \end{align}\]


tbl_band %>%
  add_column(id = 1:nrow(.), .before = "xg") %>%
  DT::datatable(caption = "LL方法下的方差和标准差、置信区间",
                options = list(dom ="tip", pageLength =8)) %>%
  formatRound(c(3:7), digits = 4)

(5)计算置信区间和置信带。进一步计算逐点置信区间(Pointwise Confidence Interval)(见前面附表),并得到置信带(见后面附图)。

\[\begin{align} \widehat{m}(x) \pm z_{1-\alpha/2}(n-1) \cdot \sqrt{\widehat{V}_{\widehat{m}(x)}}\\ \widehat{m}(x) \pm 1.96 \sqrt{\widehat{V}_{\widehat{m}(x)}} \end{align}\]

4.9.3 图形展示置信带


#### Plot 19.6-b Confidence Bands ####
p_band <- p00 +
  geom_line(aes(x = xg, y = mx),
            data = tbl_band,
            color = "blue", lty = "solid", lwd = lwd) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x=xg,ymin = lwr, ymax = upr),
              data = tbl_band,
              alpha = 0.2)


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